Best DSLR Cameras for Beginners in India 2023

Hello friends, Here is the list of the best DSLR cameras for beginners in India 2023 but before we begin with the list lets talk a bit about what type of camera we should pick based on our requirements. First, find your set of requirements from the camera whatever requirements you have from a camera you must note down on a paper.

Then you have to look for your budget, how much budget you have or how much budget you can spend on getting a camera. But above all camera is a doorway of investment after that you have to invest more in lenses, accessories.

If you are a blogger then you have to invest in batter microphones also. So keep in mind that getting a very costly body is n t a good or smart decision. Since you have to invest more to make a perfect system camera that will be going to satisfy your needs. Now let’s begin with the recommendation for the best DSLR camera for beginners. 

Best Hybrid DSLR for Beginners (Canon SL3):

The best camera you should get for blogging purpose, if you are a hybrid shooter or if you shoot still images. As well as you want to create a video with your camera then the best camera to get right now Canon SL3.

You can get this camera if you are a video blogger as well as a still shooter. This camera will be going to satisfy all your major requirements you have from a hybrid camera. This camera comes with a kit lens.

But getting this camera with a kit lens is not enough if you want to create office videos, room videos. You have to purchase a 50 mm lens with this camera to take some batter quality videos with your camera. So this is our first recommendation if you want to buy the best hybrid camera than for sure the best dslr camera in 2023 is Canon SL3.

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best Hybrid DSLR for beginners


Best entry-level camera for still shooter (Nikon D3500): 

If you want a batter still camera and don’t want to record video with your camera then the best option to go with right now is the Nikon D3500 camera.

Why Nikon D3500 if you are a still shooter? If you are are a still shooter than this is the best camera for you because Nikon D3500 or every Nikon DSLR camera right now does not have an optical low pass filter inside them.

So if you are capturing images with a Nikon D3500 camera than for sure you will get more details to compare to canon’s cameras. Because Nikon’s cameras do not have optical low pass filters and those are mainly designed for shooting still images.

I am not going to recommend anyway to use the Nikon D3500 for video purposes. It is not a good video camera. The continuous autofocus mode is not available in this but at the same time if you are a still shooter then Nikon D3500 is the best camera, to begin with.

Best entry-level camera for still shooter


Nikon D5600:

If you can invest a bit more than the Nikon D5600 camera is also available. When compared to the Nikon D3500 camera, you will be getting wifi support. This is one of the most important things to get in a camera in 2023 because with the help of wifi you can transfer your images in no time.

With the Nikon D5600 camera, you are also getting a vari-angle display screen, So literally it gives more freedom to compose your images. At the same time, this camera gives you microphone options so you can record some occasional videos if you want to but again Nikon D5600 camera is also not recommended for recording videos.

Since the video AF of the camera is not good so do not use Nikon D5600 for shooting videos. These cameras are made for shooting still and these camera shoot batter still images than canons. These cameras are super for shooting still images but not for video.

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So if you are a still shooter than the best camera, to begin with, is Nikon D3500. If you can invest a bit more then you can go with Nikon D5600.

With Nikon D5600 you will get the same sensors but you will be getting wifi, vari – angled touch display screen, a time-lapse function that was missing in the time-lapse Nikon D3500, and the option to add a microphone. So if you want to record some occasional videos than you can try your luck with the camera.

Nikon D5600


Best Mirrorless Camera for Beginners (Sony A6000)

If you want to buy a mirrorless camera and you are a beginner and you don’t want to invest your money in the DSLRs. So the best camera to begin in the mirrorless zone is the Sony A6000.

Although Sony A6000 was announced back in 2014. Yes, it is a bit old but specification wise Sony A6000 is still one of the best cameras, to begin with. It is one of the best and affordable camera for beginners in India.

Now, why Sony A6000 compare to the Nikon D5600 camera? With this, we are getting a hybrid autofocusing system. If you will be shooting with a viewfinder or you will shoot with a display screen you will be getting all-time fast AF with the camera.

That was not possible in the Nikon D5600  camera model. And at the same time, continue autofocusing as well as the low light performance of the Sony A6000 is slightly batter than the Nikon D5600.

So if you want to buy a camera between Nikon D5600 or Sony A6000 than of course Sony A6000 is giving slightly batter specifications at the same price range. So Its batter to begin with mirrorless.

But you have to also keep in mind that with the Sony A6000 camera you are not getting built-in microphone support and vari-angled display screen. 

Best Mirrorless camera for beginners


Best Hybrid Mirrorless Camera for Beginners (Canon EOS M50)

Why Canon EOS M50is slightly batter than the Sony A6000 camera. With Canon EOS M50 you are getting a 24MP  CMOS autofocus sensor, So you will be getting blazing fast autofocusing performance all the time.

See also  Best DSLR Cameras in India 2023

At the same time, the Canon EOS M50 camera features a logging friendly display screen. The camera also has an option to use an external microphone which is not possible with a Sony A6000 camera.

Somehow this camera gives you the ability to record 4K videos although it is heavily cropped. We can treat Canon EOS M50 as one of the best full HD video recording cameras.

This is the best mirrorless hybrid camera for beginners. If you want to shoot videos or create still images than Canon EOS M50 is there for you.

Best Hybrid Mirrorless Camera in India


Best Fuji Mirrorless camera for beginners (Fuji XT 20)

The best Fuji mirrorless camera for beginners in India 2023 is Fuji XT 20 Camera. Since with the Fuji XT 20, you are getting third-generation X-Trans sensors.

Remember you are not getting any X-Trans sensors with the entry-level Fuji’s cameras. With the Fuji XT 20, you are getting 24 MP X-Trans sensors and 325 autofocusing points compare to 175 hybrid points of Sony A6000 camera.

You can get a Fuji camera with a kit lens, third-generation sensors with 325 hybrid autofocusing points which will help you a lot while shooting your still images.

But again Fuji XT 20 is not recommended for video blogs since it does not have any selfie-friendly display screen and it will not be going to help you a lot for creating your youtube content.

Best Fuji Mirrorless camera for beginners


Conclusion: If you are a YouTuber or if you are a hybrid shooter then the best camera, to begin with, is Canon SL3. If you want to invest in a mirrorless zone than the best investment right now is Canon EOS M50.

If you are a still shooter and a beginner photographer than you can begin with a Nikon D3500 camera. After that, if you have a bit more budget than you can upskill your camera up to Nikon D5600.

If you want to buy a mirrorless camera for the still shooting purpose then Sony A6000 also one of the best cameras for beginners in India 2023. Now if you have a slightly a bit more budget than the best still shot camera is Fuji X-T20.

So these are our recommendations for the best DSLR cameras for beginners in India.

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